Prostatitis is one of the most common diseases in the male genital area. Symptoms of prostatitis in men and their treatment cannot be determined and prescribed independently.
If a man has the first signs of prostatitis, he should immediately see a doctor. Even a slight lethargy, which indicates the development of diseases of the genitourinary system, can have serious complications.
The shape of the prostate resembles a chestnut. The transverse length of the prostate in men is 4 cm, longitudinal - 3 cm, thickness - 2 cm. The organ consists of glandular tissue. In the upper part it is connected to the bladder, and the seminal duct departs from the lower part.
Prostate function
The prostate or prostate gland performs a very important function: it produces seminal fluid, which mixes with spermatozoa and forms semen. The organ acts as a valve during erection, which prevents urine from flowing out during intercourse.
Due to the content of immunoglobulin A and B in the prostate, as well as lysozyme (an antibacterial enzyme), the infection cannot penetrate the upper urinary tract.
The functional ability of the testicles depends on the prostate, therefore, with diseases of this organ, male sexual strength is weakened and sperm production is disrupted, which can cause infertility.
Why do men have prostatitis?
Prostatitis is a common disease among men. People who live in cold areas with high humidity are more susceptible to it. Prostatitis occurs as a result of hypothermia of the body, because cold is a predisposing factor for the stagnation of liquid secretions, and this leads to the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
Prostatitis develops after 30 years. With weak immunity, he can take a chronic course without obvious symptoms, so the man does not see signs of the disease and does not go to the doctor, but lives with this disease for many years. Make an appointment with a doctor only after a sudden deterioration in health. This happens at the age of 45-50, when a man is diagnosed with prostate adenoma, and the treatment becomes more complicated.

This disease is a benign tumor of the prostate, which worsens a man's quality of life, gradually making intimacy impossible. Adenoma treatment is only through surgery. After its removal, the problem disappears, but in the postoperative period, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's prescription, in this case the recovery process will be painless, and the person will return to a full life. It is necessary to be careful, avoid hypothermia, and prostatitis symptoms will not return.
What are the symptoms of prostatitis?
Prostatitis does not appear immediately, it gradually develops in the body. Symptoms of the disease in men are shown by pain in the lower abdomen, suprapubic area and in the perineum.
This sensation is intensified after sexual intercourse. Urinating becomes intermittent, painful, and there may be a sense of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Especially the pathological condition manifests itself at night, there is a false painful urge to go to the toilet. Pain also occurs during ejaculation. Sexual intercourse becomes painful.
Prostatitis has an acute and chronic course. During the acute phase, the symptoms of the disease worsen, the patient's health deteriorates sharply. The first signs of prostatitis in men in the acute phase of the course are as follows:
- the temperature rises;
- there is weakness and pain in the body;
- shivering occurs.
Studies are conducted, laboratory tests are taken, urine, semen and blood are examined. In acute bacterial prostatitis, the indications will be clearly stated. In the chronic course of the disease in a man, increased irritability, anxiety, irritability, etc. are more noticeable. In order to diagnose the disease correctly, an examination is required.

Bacterial prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland that drastically reduces the patient's quality of life and can cause irreversible consequences on the male genital organs.
Prostatitis can be infectious or congestive (non-infectious). Infectious prostatitis occurs when an infection enters the prostate tissue. Microbes, viruses, fungi and bacteria can penetrate through the genital tract. This disease can develop as a result of chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis or kidney disease.
Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms live in the human body, which can be activated when the immune system is weak or during hypothermia. These are Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterococci, etc. Having penetrated into the prostate, they cause an acute inflammatory process.
Non-infectious or congestive prostatitis is formed due to circulatory disorders in the pelvis. The cause may be a sedentary lifestyle, pelvic injuries, hormonal disorders, prolonged sexual abstinence or an overly active sex life. The prostate is affected by smoking and alcohol.
How to treat prostatitis
With prostatitis of an infectious nature, antibiotic therapy is used. After identifying the type of pathogen, the appropriate combination of antibiotics is prescribed, after which the health improves in a short time.
Preparations are selected only after laboratory analysis and knowing the type of pathogen.
If the disease is bacterial, where there are living microorganisms, then without an individually selected antibiotic, the treatment will be ineffective.
With prostatitis, choosing the right medicine is very important. There are substances that cannot penetrate prostate tissue, and treatment with them will be useless. And there are some antibiotics that have a weak effect. Only a doctor can choose treatment tactics.
In the form of acute prostatitis, non-steroidal drugs are prescribed.
In the acute phase of the disease, strong doses of antibiotics may be needed, when, with mild symptoms of the disease, milder drugs can be used.
In the chronic stage of the disease, alpha blockers are prescribed. Patients can be given diuretics.
In the presence of infectious flora, it can penetrate the bladder, which will cause the development of acute cystitis. Your doctor may prescribe a diuretic and drink regimen to actively empty your bladder.
With prostatitis, the prostate gland swells, and to relieve the swelling, a man is prescribed an antiandrogen. These drugs reduce secretions and temporarily block blood flow. A cold enema can be prescribed. They help relieve swelling in prostatitis, inflammation and reduce blood flow. Many doctors refuse to use cold medicine when treated with antibiotics because they find that, along with the delay in blood flow, the medicine does not reach the prostate tissue and there is no suitable treatment.
If after treatment there is no clinical response to antibiotics, then this should be a reason to suspect a prostate abscess. To eliminate such pathology, surgical intervention must be used, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable.
Often patients with prostatitis are prescribed prostate massage, which is performed through the anus. But in the acute phase of the disease, when inflammation is present, there is swelling of the glands and infection develops, massage is categorically contraindicated, because bacteria can easily spread into the urine and blood, which can cause sepsis, which has serious consequences. until death
Biopsy for severe prostatitis is not done. The data obtained based on the analysis of blood, urine, smears and ultrasound are sufficient to make a correct diagnosis and select drugs for treatment and reduction of the patient's condition.
If there are signs and symptoms of prostatitis, it is urgent to contact a urologist or andrologist. He will choose the right medicine for the patient to effectively treat the pathology. You cannot self-medicate.